how to design abstract leaf logo with two different techniques | adobe illustrator cc tutorial

 get the elapse tool.

hold "shift" then click and drag to make a perfect circle.

hold "alt" then click and drag to make a copy.

This intersection here looks like a leaf.

Select all, and go to the pathfinder tool.

Click "intersect".

now, we have a leaf shape.

I think I will add another lighter green color to it.

with the pen tool.

to zoom in and out hold the "alt" key and scroll with the mouse wheel.

hold down the space bar to activate the hand tool, so you can move the artboard.

Click here. 

To zoom in and out, hold the "alt" key and scroll with the mouse wheel.

Click here. then close the shape.

Select all and get the shape-builder tool.

hold "alt", and click to cut off this part.


select all.

right-click, group.

select all and hold "alt" to make a copy.

repeat the process.

click "Ctrl-D" to make another copy.

and these will be our logo elements.

now, I will scale this one a little.

and this will be a little bigger.

and this will be a little bigger.

now move this one and overlap with the original element.

select the rotation tool.

hold"alt" and click to make an anchor point.

Scroll with the mouse wheel, to decrease the rotation angle.

I will make it 30 degrees.


Now repeat the process and overlap this element with the original one.

Get the rotation tool, hold "alt",  and click on the same anchor point.

Scroll with the mouse wheel to increase the rotation angle to 60 degrees.

Click "ok".

now overlap the last element.

to zoom in hold the "alt" key and scroll with the mouse wheel.

to see if the elements are perfectly aligned.


get the rotation tool, then hold "alt" and click on the same anchor point.

Scroll with the mouse wheel to increase the rotation angle to 90 degrees.


select this element, right-click then bring it to front.

repeat the process.


looks very consistent.

select these elements and go to "object".

transform. reflect.

around the vertical axis and make a copy.

hold down the right arrow to move the new copy.

now I need to make the light-green color in the same direction as it is in this part.

select this element and go to "object". 

transform. rotate.

scroll with the mouse wheel to 180 degrees.


click ok.

repeat the process with the other elements.

select this element, right-click then bring it to front.

repeat the process.


looks very consistent.

and this is our logo made with the manual technique.

now, the automatic technique.

we will design the same logo with just a few clicks.

select all and go to effect.

Distort and transform.


here are the default anchor points.

select this anchor point.

scroll with the mouse wheel to increase the rotation angle to 30 degrees.

check the preview.

as you see, it rotates around the selected anchor point by 30 degrees.

here you can define how many copies you need.

I will make 3 copies.

here the scale section.

I will scale horizontally by 85 %.

and vertically by 85 %.


also, you can play with the angle to see how will affect your logo.

and the number of the copies too.


select all and go to "object".

Click expand appearance.

Select all and right-click, click "ungroup".

select and go to effect.


the same settings still remain.

now, decrease the angle to -30 degrees.

looks perfect.

Click "ok".


select all, and go to "object".

Click expand appearance.

everything looks perfect.

to zoom in hold the "alt" key and scroll with the mouse wheel to see if the elements are perfectly aligned.


and these are our two logos one made with manual technique and another with the automatic technique.

Download the logo file HERE
