how to design logo using the isometric grids | adobe illustrator cc tutorial

 to make isometric grids,

Get the line segment tool. hold shift Drag vertically to make a vertical line. Hold down the alt key to make a copy. now we will automatically generate many copies, by clicking "ctrl+D" many times. Select all. go to object, transform, rotate. rotate by 60°. Click on "copy". again, go to object. transform. reflect. around the vertical axis by 90°. Click on "copy". perfect. now, the isometric grids are ready to use. Select all. go to the shape builder tool. Click and drag to join these parts. Always click hold and drag for building shapes. now, I need to free some space around the logo. hold the alt key and click, drag to remove these parts using the shape builder tool. now, select and delete. select all. hold "shift" drag to scale a little. ok. now, let's give colors to the stroke and the fill. ok. now hold "shift" and select these shapes and pick a darker color.
