How to make 3D shapes in adobe illustrator cc

in this video, I will show you how to make 3d shapes in adobe illustrator cc. goto fill, make it off. go to stroke, make it cyan. feel free to pick any color you like. make the weight 1 pixel. now, let's make a new shape. go to shapes, right-click, choose the rectangle. click, drag. go to effect. 3d. revolve. check the preview. here is our 3d rotating guide. here you can define the number of degrees our shape is revolved around the revolve axis. for example, let's make it 300. as you see. the shape is revolved for just 300 degrees. here you can define the offset from the revolve axis. for example, let's make it 100. here you can define if the revolving axis, is on the left or right side. here you can find and customize the rendering stile. click more options. here the light direction. here you can send the light to the back of the shape. here you can add new light from another direction. or delete it. here the brightness. ambient light. highlight intensity. highlight size. blend steps: or the number of baths that used to shade the surface. and shadow color. click ok. let's make other 3d shapes. now let's make a customized shape. for example, let's make an apple. first, let's make a vertical guide. this guide will be our revolving axis. Click Ctrl-r to show the ruler. Click on the ruler, and drag. now we will draw a half apple. go to fill. make it off. go to stroke. make it red. Click the pen tool. click to make an anchor point. click, hold, drag. click. click, hold, drag. hold the alt key, click. click, hold, drag. hold the alt key, click. click, hold, drag. Press Escape. choose the selection tool. go to effect. Click apply revolve. Click on 3D revolve. check the preview. Click and press delete to delete the guide. thanks for watching. stay creative.
