how to make 3d text in adobe illustrator cc

today I'll show you how to make 3D text in adobe illustrator cc. so, don't forget to leave a like, subscribe, and ask me anything in the comment section. first, let's write anything, for example, I'll write "text". click, hold, drag, to make it a little bigger. now, let's choose the color. feel free to choose any color you like. then goto effect. 3d. extrude & bevel. check the preview. here our 3d rotating guide. here you can choose a hollow appearance or a solid appearance. the extrusion depth. it is by default set to 50 points. here you can choose the bevel shape. here you can choose the rendering stile. click more options. this is the lighting direction guide. the light brightness. the surface brightness. the highlight intensity. the highlight size. the number of bathes used to shade the surface. and the shading color is by default set to black. let's add a new light from another direction to gain some depth. and increase the extrusion depth a little bit. don't worry about these white lines. Get rid of them by checking draw hidden faces. as you see, they were eliminated. now let's make a very famous 3d text logo. the 20th-century fox. write 20. click, hold, drag to scale it. make a rectangle. hold alt and drag to duplicate it. hold alt and drag to make another one. now, write "century". scale it to fit between the two rectangles. write "fox". scale to fit. now select all and pick a color. then go to "object". click "group". now let's apply the extrusion. and this is our 3d text logo. okay. that is all for today. don't forget to leave a like, subscribe, activate the notification bell icon to stay updated, and ask me anything in the comment section. thanks for watching. stay creative.
