Design great logos without using the pen tool | adobe illustrator cc tutorial

get the curvature tool.

click to drop an anchor point.

click to drop another one.

this is called "the rubber band".

the rubber band shows the expected curve.

when you Click escape, the rubber band will disappear.

Click again on the anchor point to show it.

to make a straight segment, double click or hold "alt".

when you press "shift", the path will be constrained to a multiple of 45°.

 double-click to close the path.

hold "alt" and click.

double-click to close the path.

to make curves, just click and drag.

now we have a heart.

Click and drag to change an anchor point place.

but if you like to make a curved path, it is very easy.  just click to make curves.

now, we have a circle.

Double click on the anchor points to make corner anchor points, to make a square.

or drag to make a cloud.

now, I will show you how easy to make curved-lines shapes.

Just hold "alt", and drop the anchor points.

Double-click to close the path.

Or right-click, and click join.

now, you simply drag to make smooth curves.

this tool is wonderful.

I like it.

Now let us see how to trace using the curvature tool.

I will use the Twitter logo.

as usual, I will decrease the opacity.

then I will lock it.

I will click on the corner anchor points while holding the "alt" key. then I will carefully align the corner anchor points.

now I will drag to make the curves.

as you see, every time I click on the path, it makes an anchor point.

I like this tool.

to zoom in and out, hold"alt" and scroll with the mouse wheel.

now I will get the eyedropper and pick this color.

using the same tool and the same technique, I will make some famous logos.

