to make straight segments, just drop an anchor point.
when you press "shift", the line will be constrained to a multiple of 45°.
click to drop an anchor point.
this small circle here means that you are about to close the shape.
Click to close the shape.
now, let's make some straight-lined shapes.
just a few clicks. it is very easy.
to make curved line click and drag. this is called "the rubber band",
and it shows the expected curve.
again click and drag.
now click "escape".
these are called" the handles". and these handles are your best friends. because they will help you to adjust the curves as you like.
using the direct selection tool just click on the handle and drag.
holding the "shift" key, the handle will be constrained to a multiple of 45°.
a quick tip here by holding the "space-bar" to change an anchor point place.
now, let's go further and trace this shape.
click, click and drag, click and drag, as you see, the curve will not go with you to the opposite side.
you can just click on the anchor point to make it a corner anchor point but I don't recommend this and later I will tell you why!
Click and drag, click, close the shape.
now, get the direct selection tool and click to show your best friends "the handles".
as you see, this curve has two handles and it is ok.
but this curve has just one handle.
trying to drag the handle to align with the shape, it won't work
because it has to have another handle here.
you have lost this handle when you clicked on the anchor point.
that why I don't recommend doing that.
always keep the handles and don't lose them.
so now I will show you the right way to trace without losing the handles.
Click and drag. Click and drag, hold down the "alt "key to make a corner anchor point without losing the handles.
here I'll make a straight line so I don't need the handle.
now, with the direct selection tool, drag the handles to align the curves with the shape. perfect.
but what if I lost the handles as you see, this curve has two handles but this curve has just one handle, how to add this handle here?
right-click on the pen tool and choose the "anchor point tool".
then, click and drag on the anchor point.
now it has handles and you can rotate them as you want.
now, continue tracing with the direct selection tool. ok.
now let's go further and trace this shape.
first, decrease the opacity. then go to object. lock. selection.
get the pen tool. Click and drag. Click and drag. hold "alt" and rotate the handle. release the mouse and then the "alt" key.
Click and drag.
hold "alt" and rotate the handle. release the mouse and then the "alt" key.
Click to close the shape.
don't worry if the tracing is not perfect, I'll show you how to fix it now.
now, let's drag the handles to adjust the curves with the shape.
as you see here, this curve can't align with the shape.
to solve this problem, get the "add anchor point" tool and add an anchor point here.
now, continue tracing normally using the direct selection tool.
now we have a corner anchor point with one handle!
Click here to make it a smooth anchor point with two handles.
continue tracing normally using the direct selection tool.
now, let's draw a heart.
Click and drag. Click and drag. hold "alt" and rotate the handle.
release the mouse and then the "alt" key.
Click and drag. as you see this anchor point turned into a smooth anchor point and if you try to drag the handles to draw the heart, it won't work.
let's make this a corner anchor point.
get the "anchor point tool" and rotate the handles.
continue with the direct selection tool.
now I'll show you the right way to draw a heart using the pen tool.
Click and drag, click and drag, hold "alt", rotate the handle, release the mouse, and then the "alt" key.
again hold"alt" and click and drag.
now continue with the direct selection tool.
now, let's go further and trace the Twitter logo and have some training.
Click and drag. Click and drag, hold "alt", rotate the handle.
Click and drag. Click and drag, hold "alt", rotate the handle.
now, repeat the process.
as we learned, close the shape while holding the "alt" key.
now get the direct selection tool, and begin aligning the corner anchor points carefully.
now, it is my favorite part of the game.
dragging the handles to adjust the curves.
I'm still not satisfied with this curve here,
so, I'll delete this anchor point and see how it will look.
now get the direct selection tool, drag the handles.
now, it looks perfect. and now I'm satisfied.
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